The Heat Beneath Our Feet Initiative Report

The potential of geothermal energy in the West is vast and offers significant advantages and benefits in efforts to expand the portfolio of renewable energy resources. Advances in technology and increased interest in developing domestic sources of low-cost, reliable, clean energy have brought greater attention to the energy potential of the heat beneath our feet.

“The Heat Beneath Our Feet research and recommendations is further positioning Colorado and the West as a leader in geothermal energy,” said Governor Polis. “I appreciate all the Western governors, participants, and community members who worked on this initiative and helped explore the heat beneath our feet.”

Read the full report here

Colorado Governor Jared Polis, Chair of the Western Governors’ Association (WGA), launched The Heat Beneath Our Feet initiative in 2023 to examine opportunities for and barriers to the accelerated development and deployment of geothermal energy technologies.

Through a rigorous stakeholder process that included four workshops, six tours, a public survey, and a webinar series, the Heat Beneath Our Feet initiative generated recommendations for increasing the development and deployment of geothermal energy in the West including:

- Improving resource assessment and data collection

- Mitigating risk in drilling and exploration

- Optimizing permitting and improve regulatory certainty

-Expanding funding opportunities

-Implementing incentives for consumer adoption

-Developing a workforce and contractor ecosystem 

-Increasing awareness and education to develop geothermal markets

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